Saturday, December 24, 2022

Cystitis / Urinary Tract Infection - Territory Marking Conflict


Written in 2016: two days ago I had an evening contradictory discussion with my husband about parenting - how permissive we should be, how indifferent, how much we should or shouldn't "mind the kid", etc. - the point is that I felt attacked for my point of view, my decisions about how I approach parenting were ignored or highly disputed, given that I spend much more time with the child at home. The discussion started around 7pm, resumed at 8pm and calmly cleared up. We cleared up all the issues, prejudices and the wrong way my husband was looking at things as far as I was concerned - wrong conclusions drawn because of the limited time he had spent at home lately. Finally things were cleared up.

The next day, about 10-12 hours after the discussion, I woke up with symptoms of urinary infection/cystitis (I don't know which one because I didn't take the time to find out). Namely: burning sensation when urinating, desire to urinate often, cold like the beginning of chills. All too familiar symptoms from my student days when my territory was "violated" by my parents and decisions ignored and when I suffered for 2 years, month after month from this problem. Until finding out about New German Medicine I took antibiotics monthly for 2 years, then Biseptol, then Urinal, then cranberry tincture which I carried around in my bag every day because I didn't know when I would need it again - I didn't know then what to do. A simple serious and firm discussion with my parents would have helped me...if I knew...

How to explain the situation? In the wild animals often urinate when marking their territory - I felt someone had entered my "territory" and I had to "mark" it. That's why I felt the need to urinate so often.

What did I do? I calmly drank a cup of water and thought about what recent conflict might have triggered my symptoms. Apart from the discussion with my husband, which initially bothered me a lot, I had no other explanation. As soon as I became aware of the problem, all symptoms disappeared immediately. The whole thing lasted a maximum of 30 minutes.  Good day to all of you, and stay healthy!"

Thank you, Dr. Hamer!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Dizziness - Falling Conflict - Real or Imaginary

I was about 16-17 years old, my brother 8 years younger, we were both in the countryside, on holiday, at our parents' house, alone - our parents only came on weekends because they were working, we were supervised by the grandparents who lived next door. One morning I couldn't get out of bed - I was dizzy, I saw black all around and I fell back down. I stayed like that for about an hour under the terrified eyes of my brother who didn't understand what was wrong with me. I could talk, but I couldn't get out of bed. I was trying to encourage him. At one point I managed to eat a piece of bread, black, I still remember, that he brought me. By evening I managed to have another cup of tea and that was it. I've had episodes like this before, but never this bad. The dizziness was there for about 60-90 minutes, maybe more until I managed to get out of bed.

I always explained these episodes on calcium deficiency - that's all I knew then and that's what my mother told me.

The real explanation - a few days previously I had done some "acrobatics" on roller skates in the yard, fell, sprained my hand and the fall itself caused the dizziness. The dizziness lessened in intensity and went away on its own when I got over the falling episode. The dizziness occurs with fear of falling - real (in this case) or imagined (fear of failing an exam for example) in the healing phase.

Thank you, Dr Hamer!

Monday, December 12, 2022

Left Ear Otitis - Conflict Unwanted Noises

Symptoms: pain, itching, brown discharge in our dog's left ear. He scratched in his ear with his claws until he bled. Happening around October-November 2014. That's how we got in touch with New German Medicine (NMG).

After a round of antibiotics and drops, after an anesthesia following which he was cleaned in the ear, I decided to look for other natural solutions for dog otitis. It had been bothering him for almost 2 months already. The drops were an ordeal because he had to be chased around the house and held by force.

That's how I found out about Dr. Hamer and the NMG.
Specifically: conflict: otitis in the left ear occurs when we are very disturbed by a sound, noise, someone's criticism, someone's words, anything that falls into the category of auditory stimulus.

The pain occurs in the active phase of the conflict when a cellular growth occurs in the ear.
In the healing phase - the cell growth is dissolved by bacteria and brown discharge occurs.

Why did the dog suffer from otitis in the left ear? Because until September 2013 the whole house was his and peace and quiet reigned in it. From September 2013 our son came and the house was filled with noise, chaos, and ...did I mention noise? :)  the dog endured as much as he could until his ear "rebelled".

What did we actually do to him? Nothing - I just gave him extra attention, patted his ailing ear and it went away. It came back the next year (probably the period of the year was the trigger) and the same thing passed without absolutely no medication.  Then gone for good.

Thank you, Dr. Hamer!