Monday, January 30, 2023

Fever, Mucus, Pain in the Legs of a Small Child


March 2016: Proof again and again that small situations are perceived differently by the little ones and affect them much more strongly than us: on Wednesday I went with our son (2 years and 5 months old) to a children's workshop, familiar place, familiar people. I sat at the table with him, we glued, we drew.

Towards the end of the workshop, the children gather to be told a story. This time he wanted to go alone and sat alone among the children - I was happy, normally he wanted me to go with him. I went downstairs to talk to other parents, during this time he didn't see me for about 10 minutes. He was preoccupied with the story and I didn't think it affected him.

When leaving, he spent about 15 minutes going up and down and playing on some steps (which descended from the floor where the workshop was held), steps that he was usually afraid of. He wanted to go up and down alone.

The result: on Wednesday to Thursday night he woke us up - cryin, fever, he complained that the upper part of his left leg hurts - in the thigh. He went to bed - after 2 hours, the same thing, the right leg, in another 2 hours, and the fever, both legs...

Thursday all day fever, mucus, leg pain disappeared. On Friday the fever disappeared and now we are fighting the mucus...

What I understood: fever - conflict: I am afraid of this situation I don't know how to escape. He felt in danger, either when he was alone or on the stairs. I left him in the diaper overnight, let fresh air inside the room several times, that's how it got away.

Mucus - now we are at the peak - the place was not new, the people were not new, I say that the fact that he was alone without me in the visual range was perceived as a new situation that had to be sniffed. For 3 nights, the whole house has been sleeping badly because he woke up with a stuffy nose and it bothered him. That's it... this too shall pass. We tried to keep the nose as clean as possible so that we don't get into a suffocation conflict and then a productive cough. Maybe at least we get away with's possible that the stairs have been sniffed out as a potentially dangerous situation.

Leg pain that passed very quickly - muscle devaluation conflict. I mean the little one took on a situation that he wasn't sure he could "deal with". He went up and down some very high stairs by himself and was not sure if he would succeed or not. At that moment his muscles suffered a slight atrophy - imperceptible of course. He succeeded, he got over the conflict. The pain appeared during the healing phase when the body creates new stronger muscle cells and test nerve terminations. Why pain? because the nerves test the repaired area to be functional.

Thank you, Dr. Hamer!

"Cold" in Small Children


Written in November 2015: A classic case of NMG confirmed in our family - the "cold" in small children: From May until 2 weeks ago, we lived together with the youngest (he turned 2 in September) in the countryside, in a real village, on the banks of the Prut river, on a street where a maximum of 2 cars passed daily. I came to the city about 3 times, I stayed for a few hours, more in the house or I went to a quick shopping tour and returned to the country. The child spent the whole summer outdoors doing a lot of exercise, in a clean and quiet environment.

2 weeks ago, out of necessity because we don't have adequate heating at the house in the country, we returned to the city. The little one was exposed (I know we are unconscious parents, but we had nowhere to go) rushing through about 4 large stores and about 30 minutes of heavy traffic on a street near the station, in addition to actually being moved to a 'new' house. Lots of changes and distractions, noises, cars and people.

A week ago, so a week after the move (Monday night), the youngest woke me up - he had a fever. I don't know how high, he didn't accept the thermometer and it's better that he didn't because I didn't know and I didn't panic. I stripped him of his blouse, left him only in the diaper and in half an hour he was OK. His fever had passed. On Tuesday evening, in addition to the fever for about 3 hours, he also had a stuffy nose (clear signs of reaction to the new environment and to the fact that he "sniffed" for a week the possible dangers around him). Wednesday fever and stuffy nose, little and interrupted sleep for everyone, Thursday and Friday only stuffy nose. On Saturday, he started to breathe much better, but he started to cough slightly, in the morning, not long, a few minutes after waking up (I took it as a possible throat problem, a sign that in addition to adapting to the new environment, he also suffered a slight fright , I think from the very intense traffic - I walked with the carier on a very heavily trafficked street). Sunday the same. Monday, that is today, a week after the beginning of the "disease" or the healing process as you want to take it, he only has slight traces of mucus and that's it, no fever, no cough.

During all this time I undressed him when he had a fever and I gave him a lot of liquids, tea with honey and lemon, water or what else he asked for (he is still breastfed and asked for a lot of milk, especially at night, probably of thirst). I kept the temperature in the house at 21 degrees, no more. I let a lot of fresh air inside, including at night.

If I hadn't known NMG, I would have probably forced him to sit and take his temperature, I would have forced him to sit to remove the mucus with the baby's handkerchief or other crazy gadget that creates trauma for children, I would have given him paracetamol or I don't know what else. Instead all was calm, peaceful and he cured himself.

Thank you, Dr. Hamer!

Microbes and Bacteria are NOT Our Enemies


New German Medicine about microbes and bacteria: Microbes and bacteria are allies, NOT our enemies. As an analogy...the firefighters, who we always meet at a fire, are not the ones who started the fire but those who come to help put it out. So are bacteria and microbes - they are ordered by the brain through special programs to intervene in the healing phase of a disease.

Let's go into a little more detail:

- all the organs develop from one of the 3 embryonic layers - depending on the embryonic layer from which they appeared, the organs behave similarly in the disease and healing phase, they either develop tumors which then the microbes and bacteria dissolve, or they present ulcers which bacteria and microbes then repair;

- the imbalances in the body that culminate in what we call "disease" have several clear phases - 1. DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome - or the initial shock that causes the imbalance), 2. The active phase in which the body develops tumors or ulcers; 3. The healing phase in which tumors or ulcerations disappear, the phase in which pain usually appears and which allopathic medicine identifies with "Disease".

- if there are no bacteria and microbes in the body, the healing phase cannot follow its natural course. The BCG vaccine, for example, which destroys the TB bacilli in the body, is extremely harmful because these bacilli have the role of dissolving tumors, NOT just those from the lung (by the way, TB is the healing phase of a conflict caused by a situation in which the individual was afraid of death and it is not contagious as it is believed - each initial shock is individual). Undissolved tumors are encapsulated in the happy case and remain in the body. In the unfortunate case, it continues to produce toxins.

Think about it!!

Milk Allergy - Children and Newborns


The new German Medicine explains the allergies of small children related to cow's milk - there are more and more cases in recent years, some even serious...

1. Allergies according to the NMG are not genetic, they have no physical connection with a specific food, but are triggered by psychological conflicts related to a certain food/taste/smell (e.g. I was eating strawberries when I broke up with my first boyfriend, or the linden trees were in bloom when my girlfriend left me, I ate walnuts the day my mother died, I ate asparagus the day I had an abortion - unconsciously we link that traumatic event to a certain food or taste or smell)...

and now related to the milk allergy...

2. At birth, the vast majority of children are separated from their mothers, for hours or even days, and fed with milk powder, made from cow's milk, many times over the limit of their poor stomach, which at birth is the size of a cherry. For some children, the trauma is hard to overlook and hence the cow's milk allergy. Some get over the trauma more easily, others more difficult, some manage to eat dairy without problems after a few years, others don' depends on each one. Does what I tell you make sense?

Tonsil Pain, Difficulty Swallowing - Conflict Between Desired (right) and Undesired (left) Bites


written in the spring of 2016: the day before yesterday I got really pissed off (I couldn't sleep and I was at my computer at 5 am) because a guy from Belarus bought a domain on the internet that I didn't renew, stole my articles written for 2 years on the blog, including my picture and put them there to make money with them. 

I discovered the problem a month ago, but the day before yesterday I don't know why I got a hard spot and decided to do something about it because I've been waiting for a response from Google for a month. I was boiling with nerves, man!...yesterday what do you think? I woke up with a big pain in my throat and could barely swallow with great difficulty - I don't remember it happening to me for a long time, I didn't drink or eat cold or any other reason given as a cause for this problem in allopathic medicine. Today much the same, but a little better. 

Conflict: conflict of imaginary bites, I can't "swallow" this stuff for the left and I want to be given a specific "bite" I want to swallow and I don't seem to be receiving for the right. Affected tissue: tonsils - both apparently (left for the "mouthful" I can't swallow and right for the one I expect from Google :) ) Biological significance: better saliva impregnation of the mouthful so it can be swallowed more easily. The pain comes in the active phase of the conflict and is generated by the extra tissue growing.

When the conflict is resolved, the extra increased tissue, which puts pressure and gives pain, is broken down and so pus can occur if the conflict has lasted a long time - the more tissue to break down, the more pus. Antibiotics only stop the process, which is resumed when they are removed from the body. So be patient, understand and resolve conflicts so that everything will sort itself out.

The pain went away completely in about 3 days without taking anything at all - not even tea.

Thank you, Dr. Hamer!

Right Ear Otitis - Conflict: Desire to Hear Something Specific


Written in 2015: New German Medicine case confirmed in our family: strong pain in the right ear of a small child (2 years 2 months): yesterday morning around 5 o'clock the little one kept rolling on the pillow and could not find his place on the right side at all. After about 5 minutes, he woke up and started screaming "ear ache, my ear aches!". He wouldn't let us touch his ear or that area of his head. I tried to nurse him, but he could only sit on his left side on my hand. Until 9 o'clock he struggled continuously trying to sleep, he would fall asleep for a few minutes, but as soon as he moved his head to the right he would wake up screaming in pain again. At 1 o'clock he was absolutely fine. How we treated the problem:

1. we completely ignored a message sent by my panicked husband with an article found on the internet telling about otitis, high fever, unbearable pain, medication, complications leading to pus in the eardrum, perforation of the eardrum, deafness...SCARY!

2. I knew that pain in the left ear occurs when you have suffered a shock from something you heard and it upset you and in the right when you want to hear something and don't hear it. I.e. a child who wants something very much and waits to be told by his parents that this wish will be fulfilled. Here an article about left ear otitis, they are totally different conflicts.

3. I sat and tried to think what we had done the previous days and what could have influenced the little one so much that he was upset that he didn't hear something...the day before we had taken a tram ride and on the way home we passed a playground. I had 2 ideas: 1. when we got off the tram he was sad because he still wanted to go on the tram, he loves the tram; 2. when we passed the playground he wanted to go on the slide, but I didn't let him because it wasn't for small children - the stairs of the slide were like a climbing platform for older children, they weren't normal stairs and the slide was too steep. So I started to tell him until I was sure he understood: 1. that we care about him, that we love him, that we want him to be well, 2. that we'll go on the tram as many times as he wants, that we'll push the button again to open the door etc. etc, etc, 3. that we'll go on the slide again in our block park where he likes it, to see the green monkey at the top, to go on the spiral slide etc. etc. etc.

4. About 15 minutes after I kept telling him this while I was nursing him, he fell asleep and slept without interruption for an hour and a half. Before he could only sleep for 5 minutes max. As soon as he put his head on the right side he would wake up crying. Now he slept even on his right side. He woke up much better and told me his ear didn't hurt anymore. He even let me look at it and put my hand on it. He stayed awake for about 2 more hours then slept another 4!!! he only woke up to eat for 5 minutes and went back to sleep. Slept well last night, hasn't complained about his ear since. All good.

5. What else I learned during the process:

- Good homeopathic solutions in this situation to further alleviate the pain caused by otitis are frankincense smoke or homeopathic remedy of Indian Frankincense CH7 and for otitis proper Ferrum phosphoricum CH7 or Pulsatilla CH9. It was no longer necessary to resort to them;

- Fever is not related to otitis; earache is not necessarily accompanied by fever; our son had no fever;

- Pain in otitis does not occur in the healing phase but in the active conflict phase when the tissue is growing, so the mother must act fast when the child complains about the ear;

- When the conflict has resolved the growth of cells in the ear is "dissolved" and ear discharge occurs. The discharge is not obligatory - if the conflict was short-lived, the cells are resorbed and nothing more is noticed. In our case, the conflict lasted a few hours and ended well.

Good health to all and thank you, Dr. Hamer!


Friday, January 13, 2023

Dry Skin on Baby's Head - Unwanted Touch Conflict


Written in 2014: The peels on the baby and toddler's scalp - seborrheic dermatitis I think it's called - our baby made those yellowish and thick like scales patches of dry skin, at first a few months after birth and then periodically - I cleaned them with olive oil and a comb because that's all I knew at the time and that's what my family doctor and friends with older children advised me. However, they reappeared and for the baby the cleaning was unpleasant because they had to be soaked with oil to make them moist, the baby had to be chased around the house to scratch the scalp with the comb and then washed to remove the oil. Horror. Not to mention he hated washing his head and hair. Nobody knew the cause but only the temporary solution.

In addition, they were not localized on the whole head but on the crest and right temple. None on the other sides of the head.

Then I came across New German Medicine and it explained what was going on with the baby.
Specifically: at birth (caesarean section), the baby was taken by the head by the doctor, then separated from me for hours. The unwanted touch on his head caused him to "build" a protective barrier. As long as he didn't get over the trauma, those yellowish peels kept appearing no matter how well we cleaned them.

I then read about talks with the child's soul during sleep, talks where you explain why you acted in a certain way, why what happened had happened, where were you wrong as a parent, and so on. Discussions as between adults, clear, simple, serious. Asking for forgiveness where necessary.

I tried sleep talking myself about 3 months ago with the baby. I told him about the day he was born, what it was like, why we made the choices we did, how we felt as parents, how much we cared about him and how much we waited and enjoyed him. The result - 2 months ago those peels that we never removed at all, although they are a bit unsightly, started to dry up and fall off by themselves - big chunks, bigger than dandruff, even 2-3 millimeters. In 2 months, about half of them have fallen off. Otherwise I don't do anything to them, I just wash his head normally. Voila! The baby starts to get over the conflict and things slowly get better.

Thank you, Dr. Hamer!