New German Medicine about microbes and bacteria: Microbes and bacteria are allies, NOT our enemies. As an analogy...the firefighters, who we always meet at a fire, are not the ones who started the fire but those who come to help put it out. So are bacteria and microbes - they are ordered by the brain through special programs to intervene in the healing phase of a disease.
Let's go into a little more detail:
- all the organs develop from one of the 3 embryonic layers - depending on the embryonic layer from which they appeared, the organs behave similarly in the disease and healing phase, they either develop tumors which then the microbes and bacteria dissolve, or they present ulcers which bacteria and microbes then repair;
- the imbalances in the body that culminate in what we call "disease" have several clear phases - 1. DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome - or the initial shock that causes the imbalance), 2. The active phase in which the body develops tumors or ulcers; 3. The healing phase in which tumors or ulcerations disappear, the phase in which pain usually appears and which allopathic medicine identifies with "Disease".
- if there are no bacteria and microbes in the body, the healing phase cannot follow its natural course. The BCG vaccine, for example, which destroys the TB bacilli in the body, is extremely harmful because these bacilli have the role of dissolving tumors, NOT just those from the lung (by the way, TB is the healing phase of a conflict caused by a situation in which the individual was afraid of death and it is not contagious as it is believed - each initial shock is individual). Undissolved tumors are encapsulated in the happy case and remain in the body. In the unfortunate case, it continues to produce toxins.
Think about it!!
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